The Di Blasi
Folding Motorbike

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Look for the Di Blasi Folding Motorbike in the following publications:
PUBLICATION DATE (Editor's projected date)

° North - March 1997
Air Progress - December 1996
AOPA Pilot - November 1996
Arriving - January 1997
Aviation Consumer - (1997)
Bay & Delta Yachtsman - June 1996
Boating World - June 1996
Bus Conversions - January 1997
Cessna Owner - October 1996
Chesapeake Bay Magazine - July 1997
Chicago Life - June 1997
Coast to Coast - November/December 1996
Doctor's Review - April 1997
Escapees - March/April 1997
Family Motor Coaching - September 1996
Fishing & Hunting News - January 30, 1997
Flying Magazine - February 1997
General Aviation News & Flyer - July 5, 1996
GQ: Gentleman's Quarterly - May 1997
Gravity - (July/August 1997)
Great Lakes Boating - Winter 1996-97
Great Lakes Cruiser - March 1997
Heartland USA - (November 1997)
Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar - January 1997
Houseboat - April 1997
Inflight USA - September 1996
Korea Economic Paper - June 1997
Lakeland Boating - August 1996
Land Line - January 1997
Latitudes & Attitudes - May/June 1997
Motorcycle Consumer News - January 1997
Motorhome - (June 1997)
Movin' Out - January 1997
Mountain Living - (Sept/Oct 1997)
Northern Breezes - January 1997
Over The Road - February 1997
Overdrive - February 1997
Pacific Flyer Aviation News - December 1996
Piper's - October 1996
Plane & Pilot - July 1996
Playboy - (October 1997)
Popular Mechanics - January 1997
Practical Sailor - (July 1997)
Private Pilot - December 1996
Pro Rodeo - February 1997
Pro Trucker - February 1997
Q - The Physician's Guide to Quality - (Summer 1997)
Road King - August/September 1996
RV Today - July 1996
RV West - August 1996
Sail - December 1996
Salmon Trout Steelheader - December/January 1997
Southern Boating - July 1996
Sunset - (August 1997)
The Log - July 19, 1996
The Quarter Horse Journal - February 1997
The Trucker - December 9, 1996
The Western Horseman - March 1997
Trucker's Connection - (August 1997)
US Aviator - (June 1997)
Waterlines - September 1996
Western RV News - September 1996
Yachting - October 1996

Here is a letter from one of our many satisfied customers:

Zander's Animation Parlour
118 East 25th Street New York, NY  10010

Dear Hardy,

I love my yellow Di Blasi!  It is far superior then what I expected. I flew to visit my daughter at camp this past weekend, and I took my Di Blasi in my Cessna 180. I landed at a remote airstrip and took my Di Blasi out and unfolded it ( in less than 2 min.)  I took a 24 mile round trip, wild ride up and down hills, dirt, and paved roads through the Poconos Mountains. Not one hitch!  It worked perfectly.  I got back to my plane, packed it up and flew away. How great can life get? So here is my check for a blue one so my wife can enjoy my next adventure.


Mark Zander

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Accessories    Specifications    

NavPad     Aviation Accessories     Wingwalker

For information or to order your Di Blasi "EXPRESS" Folding Motorbike:


or call

(USA & Canada only)

Di Blasi of America Inc.
2633 Lantana Road, #19
Building 207
Lantana, FL  33462
Voice:  561-963-1189
Fax:  413-403-5966